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Josef Mengele (Angel of Death)

by Marzouk Lamrani | Tue , Nov 21st , 2023

Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 in Günzburg and died on February 7, 1979 in Bertioga, South America, was a German (Nazi) Schutzstaffel (SS) officer, war criminal, he was a doctor in the extermination camp of Auschwitz during the Second World War. he participated in the selection of deportees destined for immediate gassing and carried out various deadly medical experiments on numerous prisoners. After the war, he fled to South America where he died in 1979 without ever being tried for his actions.

Mengele was a man of rare intelligence, he obtained doctorates in anthropology and medicine at the University of Munich before joining the Nazi party in 1937 then the SS in 1938. During the war, Interested in genetics, he saw it as an opportunity to conduct his research on human subjects at Auschwitz, he had the opportunity to commit atrocious acts on the Jewish inmates whom he considered as guinea pigs. . His rare victims who survived the unimaginable, witnesses of his abuses, nicknamed him “the Angel of Death”.

Although arrested by American troops, he was not identified as a war criminal and he reached Argentina in July 1949 with the help of former SS men. He lived in Buenos Aires before fleeing to Paraguay in 1959 and Brazil the following year to escape German and Israeli investigators. Despite arrest warrants issued by the German government and clandestine operations by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, Mengele was not captured and he drowned while swimming near São Paulo in 1979. He was buried under a false name and his remains were not exhumed and identified until 1985.

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