
Our Adults' Course

The world is getting smaller, and English is getting more important. Whether you want to study abroad, join an international company, or just have fun traveling, PINPOINT ENGLISH is the right place to learn this language, no matter your level. Our course is one of the world's most successful English courses developped for adults and young adults. You can also monitor your performance and progress using our app. Click here for details about our app.

Course Features

Twice a week
DZD [4200 -> 4800] a month


  • 1 You enroll after reading our school policy.
  • 2 You, and according to your availability, are placed in a group with other adults of your level.
  • 3 You take your training, being tested on a regular basis.
  • 4 Using our app, you can keep an eye on your performance while you're moving up the ladder. Find out how.
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Great businesses are born small with big dreams. Our school, specialized in teaching only English, was established in 2013 to become a leading English school in Algeria.

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