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The sport

by Serine Traikia | Fri , Sep 29th , 2023

Sport is a normal physical effort or skill practiced according to agreed-upon rules for the purpose of entertainment, competition, pleasure, excellence, developing skills, or strengthening self- or body-confidence. The difference in goals in terms of their combination or individuality characterizes sports, in addition to the influence that players or teams add to their sports.

Sports have a second name, which is physical education.

Physical education is the integrated aspect of education that works to develop the individual and adapt him physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally through selected physical activities that are appropriate for the stage of growth, and which are practiced under the supervision of good leadership to achieve the highest human values. Thus, the expression of physical education is much broader and has deeper significance for human life than being... Just physical health, physical culture, exercise, physical training, or sports, it is a field of comprehensive education, of which physical education constitutes a living field, indicating that its programs are not merely exercises that are performed, but under the supervision of qualified leadership that helps to make a person’s life more suitable to the requirements of his time.

There are many types of sports, including:




Ping Pong





There are still many, many other sports, some of which are practiced individually, and some of which are team sports.

There is one important thing, which is heating

Before practicing any sport, you must warm up, and each sport has a special warm-up.

Sport is a wonderful and special thing and we must practice it.

You have to practice it.

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