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The use of animals in research has been a controversial issue throughout the ages because there are two groups of people; one says that it is important or that we can only do research on animals, but on the other side there is another group that opposes this research and says that it is something unethical against them.
We all know that the structure of animals’ bodies is very similar to that of humans, so we rely on their dissection and studies to a great extent. Animal experiments have played an effective role in achieving many important medical breakthroughs. Many life-saving treatments, such as insulin for treating diabetes, vaccines against polio and rabies, and chemotherapy for cancer, have been developed with the help of animal research. Furthermore, we can test new treatments on animals rather than humans, which reduces the risks to humans by identifying potential side effects and determining the safety of drugs and procedures.
However, critics argue that animals have a right to live free from harm, and that confinement and death are inhumane. Additionally, there are subtle biological differences between animals and humans that can make the results unreliable.
In conclusion, the middle side of using animals is the key. Of course we cannot get rid of conducting research on them, but at the same time we must preserve their rights and not kill them for nothing.
Cerine Arezki
Actually l don't agree about this ,to use animals for research because they also feel , so the best solution is to invent something to experiment with