Introvert Vs Extrovert
by Rania Oukil | Sun , Jul 7th , 2024
An Introvert: is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, they:
- Prefer spending time in solitude
- Avoid being the center of attention
- Think before they speak
- Value close one to one relationships
- Need time alone to recharge and reflect
- Prefer working in quiet Independent environments
- Deeply focus and think about specific interests
- Can be seen as reserved
An Extrovert: the term extroversion describes an aspect of a personality that is often characterized by expressing outgoing patterns of behavior, they:
• Have good social networking skills, therefore they are part of large social circles.
- Enjoy being the center of attention
- Tend to sing out loud
- Adapt to change more easily
- Gain energy from being around other people
- Thrive in team oriented and open work settings
- Make quick decisions
- Are outgoing, enthusiastic and positive
Introverts and extroverts sit on two ends of a spectrum and generally people fall somewhere in between.
Cerine Arezki
Thank you soo much about you amazing blog ❤️💐