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School’s experiences

by Ema Zemirli | Wed , Nov 8th , 2023

School is a part of our lives, everyday in this place is an exploration, a self-discovery where we grow and learn new things, a place where make friends, where we have good but also bad moments. This place shows us the difficulties of life, the different phases that life will make us endure. In this blog, we'll explorr the good and the not-so- good aspects of school.

The Good:

1) Knowledge and Learning: School provides us knowledge and essential skills that we will need and that prepare us for the futur. From reading and solving math problems you will be able to solve problems in real life with some imagination and that will take you away until success.

2)Friendships: School make us interact with other people when we meet a lot of persons and can form lifetime friendships but sometimes, we have bad experiences with friends and that will make us stronger than before and that will teach us to be wary. 

3) Self-discovery: School offers different subjects to help us to find our passionss the things that inspires us the most to have an idea of what we can do but most of time people change. Every person can has the subjects that she or he love or that inspires them the most like science, art, sport...

The challenges of school:

1)Pressure: The big quantity of learning can sometimes cause academic pressure. For example when someone wants to excel in exams and have higgher grades demande a lot of pressure because of the determination that the person has this is why it is very important to have positive influence, that are the most of time friends. 

2) Time management: Personal life can be hard to get because of school because we have to study outside school to excel so we can say that learning take all our time, we study at school from 08:00 until 16:00 the most of time, teachers give homework, we study at night to have good marks so we don't even have time for ourselves. 

 School is just a chapter in our life we will have harder challenges in everyday life and that it is a chance to discover things about yourself. Remember that at school you have a lot of fun and unforgettable memories with your friends and if you weren't going to study you wouldn't have even met these people.

I hope you enjoyed this blog. Give me your opinions in the comments and thank’s for reading it

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