Wars: Explained Simply.
Wars are like really big fights that happen between groups of people or even whole countries. They happen because those groups or countries have different ideas about things, like who should have control over a certain piece of land, or because they believe in different things. When wars happen, a lot of bad things can happen. People can get hurt, buildings can be destroyed, and it can be really scary and sad for everyone involved.
But wars aren't just about the bad stuff. Sometimes, during wars, we see people doing really brave and amazing things. They show incredible courage and bravery, they help others who are in need. It's important to remember that even in the middle of all the chaos and destruction, there can be acts of kindness and compassion.
Wars also have a big impact on how the world looks today. They can change borders, which are like lines that separate one country from another.. Sometimes, wars even push us to come up with new inventions and ways of doing things.
But even though wars have shaped our history. We should try to find ways to solve problems and disagreements without fighting. Talking and listening to each other, understanding different perspectives, and finding common ground are all important steps in avoiding wars and creating a more peaceful world.
So, in simpler terms, wars are like really big fights because of different ideas or perspectives. They can be really bad and cause a lot of damage, but they can also show bravery and lead the world to change. It's important to work towards peace and find ways to solve problems without violence.

Hocine Tareb
The real winner in a war is not who participate in the war, the real winner is who use the war to get money by selling weapons for example, like U.S they use the Palastinian Israelian war to sell their weapons.

Abdessamad Bettiche
The wars explained the violence of people in the world in order to reserved the rights of these people. I am not agree with the wars like the conialisme in Palestaine which suffer a lot. So, we should avoid the wars by the peace. important topic thanks for sharing.

Yahia Abdelmouhsin Nouri
This blog post offers a clear and impactful overview of war, addressing both its devastating consequences and the unexpected glimmers of hope within it.
Mohamed Chaker Djadel
it's actually a good blog, but I think that you really should have mentioned our brothers in GAZA or Palastine somehow because the things we're seeing are horrible !